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Dependency Injection#

Dependency Injection is a programming pattern aimed at seperating the initialization of state from functions that need to perform operations on said state. For example, if you have a function that needs access to a database, you can inject the database to said function when it is called. In the case of Discord bots, it can be a good way to share state, such as access to a database, an http client and so on.

arc uses alluka to facilitate dependency injection, and command callbacks are automatically injected with declared dependencies.

Setting dependencies#

import typing

import hikari
import arc

# This is just an example "database" that stores a single integer
class MyDatabase:
    def __init__(self, value: int) -> None:
        self.value = value

bot = hikari.GatewayBot("TOKEN")
client = arc.GatewayClient(bot)

database = MyDatabase(value=0)

# We declare a new dependency of type 'MyDatabase' and the value of 'database'
client.set_type_dependency(MyDatabase, database)
import typing

import hikari
import arc

# This is just an example "database" that stores a single integer
class MyDatabase:
    def __init__(self, value: int) -> None:
        self.value = value

bot = hikari.RESTBot("TOKEN")
client = arc.RESTClient(bot)

database = MyDatabase(value=0)

# We declare a new dependency of type 'MyDatabase' and the value of 'database'
client.set_type_dependency(MyDatabase, database)

In the above example, you've told arc that every time you ask for a dependency of type MyDatabase, it should return the specific instance you gave it as the second parameter to Client.set_type_dependency

Injecting dependencies#

@arc.slash_command("increment", "Increment a counter!")
# We inject a dependency of type 'MyDatabase' here.
async def increment(
    ctx: arc.GatewayContext, db: MyDatabase = arc.inject()
) -> None:
    db.value += 1
    await ctx.respond(f"Counter is at: `{db.value}`")
@arc.slash_command("increment", "Increment a counter!")
# We inject a dependency of type 'MyDatabase' here.
async def increment(
    ctx: arc.RESTContext, db: MyDatabase = arc.inject()
) -> None:
    db.value += 1
    await ctx.respond(f"Counter is at: `{db.value}`")

And here you request that arc injects the dependency you declared earlier into the command, passing the "database" to it. If you combine this example with the prior one, you should get a command that increments a counter every time it is invoked, and prints it's current state.

Injecting other functions#

By default, only command callbacks, pre/post hooks & error handlers are injected with dependencies, but you might want to inject other functions too. This can be done via the @Client.inject_dependencies decorator (or @Plugin.inject_dependencies if working in a plugin).

def compare_counter(value: int, db: MyDatabase = arc.inject()) -> None:
    if value > db.value:
        print("Value is bigger!")
        print("Counter is bigger or equal!")


Trying to use arc.inject() outside a command or a function decorated with @Client.inject_dependencies will lead to unexpected results.

If you're trying to inject a function that already has decorators on it, the @Client.inject_dependencies decorator should be the first in the chain (at the bottom).

This means you can inject dependencies into hooks, error handlers, loops, or literally any ordinary Python function. The sky is the limit!

Getting dependencies without injection#

In some cases it may not be convenient to use @Client.inject_dependencies, so for this reason, the client exposes a lower-level method of getting the dependencies directly, in the form of Client.get_type_dependency.

This method takes the type of the dependency, and an optional default as parameters, and returns the dependency, if one exists:

def compare_counter(value: int) -> None:
    db = client.get_type_dependency(MyDatabase)

    if value > db.value:
        print("Value is bigger!")
        print("Counter is bigger or equal!")


This function practically serves the exact same purpose as previous snippet, with the difference that a db cannot be passed to the function to override the injected default, reducing it's flexibility.

Why dependency injection?#

Dependency injection separates the concern of constructing an object from using them, therefore it is possible to loosely couple the logic and state of your program. One benefit of this approach is that you can separate the actual implementations from the abstract types that functions may consume.


If you do not know what ABCs in Python are, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with them first before following this guide further.

import abc

# Abstract base type for a database of some kind
class Database(abc.ABC):

    async def fetch_data(self) -> int:

# "Real" database
class ProductionDatabase(Database):

    async def fetch_data(self) -> int:
        # Fetch data from a supposed "database"
        return 10

# Testing database
class MockDatabase(Database):

    async def fetch_data(self) -> int:
        # Return "fake" testing data
        return 0

Let's say your app has two configurations, a "testing mode" where you want your "database" to simply return fake values, and a "production mode" where it actually connects to a real database and fetches values from it. If your code relies on the concrete implementation of ProductionDatabase or MockDatabase, it is hard to switch it out on the fly, however if your code only depends on Database, you can effectively swap out which underlying implementation of Database it is using, and your code continues to work!

is_testing = True # Change me!

client = arc.GatewayClient(...)

if is_testing:
    client.set_type_dependency(Database, MockDatabase())
    client.set_type_dependency(Database, ProductionDatabase())

@arc.slash_command("fetch", "Fetch totally real data some of the time!")
# We inject 'Database' here, the caller doesn't know which
# implementation it will get!
async def fetch_data(
    ctx: arc.GatewayContext, db: Database = arc.inject()
) -> None:
    data = await db.fetch_data()
    await ctx.respond(f"Data is: `{data}`")
is_testing = True # Change me!

client = arc.RESTClient(...)

if is_testing:
    client.set_type_dependency(Database, MockDatabase())
    client.set_type_dependency(Database, ProductionDatabase())

@arc.slash_command("fetch", "Fetch totally real data some of the time!")
# We inject 'Database' here, the caller doesn't know which
# implementation it will get!
async def fetch_data(
    ctx: arc.RESTContext, db: Database = arc.inject()
) -> None:
    data = await db.fetch_data()
    await ctx.respond(f"Data is: `{data}`")

Try running the example with the is_testing variable set to both True and False, and see what happens! If everything is right, the command should respond with 0 if is_testing is True, otherwise 0.

In a real scenario, this would allow you to effectively swap what database implementation your bot uses, as long as it conforms to the Database abstract type.