
Gateway only

This guide is only relevant to those using a Gateway client, as REST bots cannot receive events.

Your bot receives events based on what is happening in the guilds your bot is in, describing state changes (e.g. a new member joined, a message was sent) and allowing you to react to them. To make your bot react to a specific event, you must create a listener:

# This only works with Gateway bots
bot = hikari.GatewayBot("...")
client = arc.GatewayClient(bot)

# ...

async def on_message(event: hikari.MessageCreateEvent) -> None:

    # Ignore ourselves & other bots
    if not event.is_human:

    await, "Hi!")

With the above snippet, the bot will respond to every message sent with "Hi!".

Plugins can also have listeners, and behave similarly to those registered on the client itself:

plugin = arc.GatewayPlugin("name")

# ...

async def on_message(event: hikari.MessageCreateEvent) -> None:

    # Ignore ourselves & other bots
    if not event.is_human:

    await, "Hi!")

For a list of all available events, see the hikari documentation.